What is acupuncture?
The Chinese technique of acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used integrative procedures in the world. Acupuncture is characterized by the placement of extremely thin needles into the body, and reacts with the brain to release chemicals that reduce pain, regulate hormones, and influence many of the body’s systems.
Request an acupuncture appointment
Acupuncture, similar to other traditional forms of medicine such as cupping, gua sha and reiki, has its origins rooted in a broad concept called “qi” (pronounced “chee”). This sophisticated theory and philosophy factors in emotional, mental and physical well-being. Traditionally, acupuncture is used to help regulate disruptions in “qi” that can cause pain and illness.
Acupuncture is an evidence-based treatment shown to be effective in numerous studies. Current research in Western medicine shows that acupuncture has impact on inflammatory response, hormone output, metabolism, circulation, pain/opioid receptors and the nervous system. These make it an effective treatment for many conditions.
Acupuncture influences:
- Back and joint pain
- Circulation
- Digestive system regulation
- Depression, stress and anxiety
- Hormone outputs
- Immune system balance
- Muscle tone
- Nervous system regulation
- Respiratory system regulation
- Reproductive systems and fertility
- Smoking cessation
- Urinary system regulation
- Women’s health issues
What To Expect During Your Acupuncture Visit
Personalized Consultation
Treatment Length
During Treatment
After Treatment
Depending on the condition treated and the approach of your acupuncturist, you may remain clothed during treatment or be asked to wear a patient gown. During treatment, only the areas receiving acupuncture will be exposed.
One of the benefits of receiving care at Henry Ford is that details about your care will entered into your medical record so your doctors will be aware of your treatment plan.
Center for Integrative Medicine
Acupuncture at Henry Ford is a part of the Center for Integrative Medicine. The center is built on a holistic approach to health and healing that uses evidence-based, alternative therapies combined with traditional western medical care. Should you wish to supplement your acupuncture treatment with massage or other therapies, our integrative medicine specialists will consider your entire personal and medical history to design a care plan that’s all for you.