Instructions to Fellows

These instructions are distributed during the first week.

Welcome to the Neuroradiology Fellowship Program in the Department of Radiology at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. I hope you will have a comprehensive academic and scholarly learning experience in Neuroradiology.

Please take time now to review the following guidelines:

  1. Please find a copy of the goals and learning objectives of the training program; core curriculum in neuroradiology; ACGME supervisory lines of responsibility; ACGME core competencies/alignment with neuroradiology curriculum, rotations, and assignments; ACGME program requirements for fellowship education in neuroradiology; and required and recommended list of books and scientific journals. Please become familiar with the contents of the core curriculum and program requirements. The program director will meet with you the first week of training period and then every three months and discuss the curriculum to make sure that the learning objectives and the goals of the curriculum are understood and met.
  2. All senior staff neuroradiologists will undertake a formal written evaluation of each trainee every three months. The program director will discuss your performance on a one-to-one basis at the end of every quarter. The performance evaluation and the one-to-one meeting will give you an opportunity to enhance the learning opportunity, improve our training program, and discuss any challenges. These meetings will also provide opportunity for the trainee to give input in improving the curriculum of the educational program and learning environments.
  3. Each fellow will evaluate each teaching senior staff neuroradiologist and the Neuroradiology Fellowship Program every three months of the academic year. This evaluation will also be discussed at the personal one-on-one meeting between the trainee and the Program Director.
  4. The trainee will actively participate in quality assurance activities, MR and CT protocol issues, and mortality and morbidity case discussion studies during the weekly neuroradiology conferences on xxxxx every Monday at 4:00pm.
  5. Each trainee should maintain an accurate log of all procedures performed by the trainee including both diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures and all diagnostic procedures including MRI, CT, plain films, and advanced MR imaging studies such as MR spectroscopy and PET scanning. This logbook will be evaluated and signed by the program director every three months. All procedures completed by the trainee will be discussed with the program director and a copy of the log will be kept in the fellow's portfolio.
  6. An academic calendar listing all the conferences is published by the neuroradiology division. The trainee assigned for each conference is listed. All trainees will participate in conferences except for the trainee who is actively involved doing diagnostic and therapeutic invasive procedures.
  7. The weekly neuroradiology conference on Mondays at 4 p.m. is mandatory. Trainees are responsible for gathering all interesting cases for presentation during the weekly Monday Neuroradiology conference.
  8. The Department of Diagnostic Radiology conducts yearly courses on Radiation Physics, Radiation Biology, and Radiological Pharmacology. Please find exact dates in the Radiology Residency Program Director's office. All trainees are required to attend the course lectures pertinent to the Neuroradiology Training Program as permitted and determined by the Neuroradiology Fellowship training Program Director.
  9. Your on-call hours are listed in the work schedule, which is published every 4th or 6th week. Your on-call hours will be according to the guidelines established by the Radiology Department, Henry Ford Hospital and in accordance with ACGME Guidelines.
  10. Four weeks of pediatric neuroradiology training at C.S.Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan in Ann, Arbor, Michigan, is included in the training program and will occur in the second half of the academic calendar. Please review the attached training goals, objectives, and core curriculum for pediatric neuroradiology training at CS Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  11. Please choose a research project in the first two months of the training program so that it can be successfully completed before the end of the training program and for presentation at a national meeting or publication. You are free to choose a mentor for this project amongst the Senior Neuroradiology Staff or Senior Staff Physicists. Otherwise, the Fellowship Program Director and trainee will select a specific research project and a mentor. It is required that the trainee is involved in a scholarly activity of research during the training program. Trainee is expected to present or publish a scientific paper or present scientific exhibit at a national or regional scientific meeting.
  12. StatDx populates all PACS work stations. Please obtain password from RIS to access teaching files of StatDx. MIRC is a digital teaching file maintained by the department and contributed to by the residents and fellows in neuroradiology. The fellow can access the teaching files and are required to make contributions. The Radiology Department maintains an ACR teaching file which radiology trainees can access for their learning experience. The hospital has a library on the 17th floor and the Department of Radiology has a Resident Resource Center, which provides an opportunity for higher learning.
  13. In the first week of academic year, orientation will be scheduled to get yourself familiar with the medical information system, radiology information system including picture archiving and storage (PACS) system, VOICE recognition system for dictating reports.
  14. You must be certified in basic cardiac life support. Graduate Medical Education office can help you get certified in basic cardiac life support if you have not been certified prior to the beginning of your Fellowship Training Program.
  15. An orientation will take place with our interventional neuroradiology staff to become familiar withh the process of performing diagnostic and therapeutic neuroradiological invasive procedures including neuroangiography.
  16. All of the senior staff neuroradiologists and the Fellowship Program Director are available for consultation and discussion to make your learning experience, a scholarly endeavor.
Information for Applicants
Interested in applying to one of our programs, call (800) 436-7936.

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