Sejal R Amin, MD
Specialties: Ophthalmology
Services: Cataracts, Comprehensive Ophthalmology , Cornea , Corneal Transplant , Dry Eye Disease , Eye Care
Board Certification and Education
- American Board of Ophthalmology - Ophthalmology
- , Medicine, 2010
- , Ophthalmology, 2014
- , Internal Medicine, 2011
- , Cornea & External Di, 2015
About Me
Care Philosophy
My main goal in this profession is to provide high quality care for all patients in the community. I value their trust, and it is my privilege to help them enjoy the best possible vision. I continue to strive to maximize their experience though excellent patient care, education, and research
Videos and Articles
Blog Posts
Hospital Privileges
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital