Linda's Story

My name is Linda D’Antonio. I am a breast cancer survivor and this is my story. As a woman over 40, healthy and busy raising my four children in Berkley, my life was wonderful. I didn’t smoke or drink, ate healthy and went in for routine medical checkups. So, when I went in for my annual mammogram, to me, it was just another routine test.
Then the phone rang.
It was my doctor calling to say the medical team spotted something and wanted me to go to Henry Ford Hospital to see a surgeon for further examination. Immediately, my heart started racing and fears took over.
Like anyone, I was unprepared for the possibility of having cancer. It’s not something I thought would ever happen to me. I mean, how could it? Thoughts began racing through my mind - what does it mean; how can I fight it and win?
After additional testing, I received the news I dreaded to hear: “It’s cancer.” Despite hearing those frightful words, I knew that I wasn’t alone in my fight to survive. My Henry Ford physician’s compassion and thoroughness of explaining to me that he was on my team to help me overcome it made the world of difference. He knew I was afraid and his support gave me hope to battle the cancer head on.
Encouraged by my doctor to get a second opinion, I began to investigate all possible treatments and cancer centers. I know knowledge is power and education about what had invaded my body was vital for my treatment and peace of mind.
I could have gone anywhere for my treatment, but I wanted the best partner available to help me fight this disease. My choice was clear, Henry Ford Cancer. The unbelievably genuine concern that Henry Ford Cancer’s doctors possessed for me, their patient, gave me great confidence that this was the healthcare partner for me.
With Henry Ford Cancer, I wasn’t another cancer statistic but a vital person with real fears. This is Henry Ford Cancer. I am proud and truly grateful to the medical team of Henry Ford Cancer. They were a key ingredient in helping me become a survivor. My experience was surrounded by dedicated, exceptional people pooling together to give me leading-edge competitive care.
Undoubtedly, each of us is responsible for our health and I know that cold hard truth beyond my own personal experience. You see, my sister who didn’t believe in doctors or mammograms was also diagnosed with breast cancer. She was like many women who do not believe in health care until it’s too late. I watched as the cancer took control of her body and finally her life. It’s critical I promote the importance of early detection and support Henry Ford Cancer any way I can. I am proud to be a breast cancer survivor and a contributor to, Henry Ford Cancer. Everyday, the work conducted at Henry Ford Cancer is making a difference in the lives of patients, their families and our community.
Just like I couldn’t have become a survivor without the medical team at Henry Ford Cancer, the they cannot continue their instrumental work in advanced cancer research and therapy without the support of generous people in the community.
In today’s world, we have many choices. There is no question we are surrounded by many wonderful medical facilities, but to me, Henry Ford Cancer is more than a recognized pioneer and global leader in the fight against cancer, it’s a special place that understands dealing with cancer goes beyond physical treatment.
Whenever anyone asks me again the place I recommend for the best in cancer treatment, I will insist on Henry Ford Cancer.
Linda D'Antonio