Voiding Cystogram
Cystography is an exam of the bladder using x-rays. This test is done by a radiologist, a doctor who specializes in the use of x-ray imaging to diagnose and treat health conditions. During a cystography, the bladder is filled with a special contrast medium (x-ray dye). This medium ensures more detailed x-ray pictures.
- No prep needed for this exam.
- Arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment with an order if your doctor has given you one.
- A catheter (thin tube) will be inserted into the urethra up to the bladder. You will feel pressure.
- The dye or medium is injected through the catheter into the bladder.
- As your bladder fills with this liquid, you will feel the urge to urinate, x-rays may be taken during this time.
- Tell the radiologist when the urge becomes uncomfortable.
- The catheter is removed. X-rays are taken of the full bladder.
- You will be asked to empty your bladder while more x-rays are taken.
- This procedure takes about one hour.
- Due to the effect on the study, do not plan on having this exam performed at the same time as any other GI procedures.