Didactic Teaching and Conferences

Monthly TY Meeting: Once a month the TY residents all get together from 12p-4p to provide feedback about the program, to share personal experiences and tips for success, and to get to know your co-residents. During this session we have education on topics of interest to all TYs regardless of specialty. Recent didactics and workshops include Cultural Humility & Bias Mitigation, Quality Improvement, Money management, Teaching medical students, Art in Medicine, Critical Care procedures and Suture Lab.

Department of Medicine Grand Rounds (September through June): Thursday noon. Invited national and international speakers and local experts discuss topics involving recent advances, medical controversies, and important updates. Attended by senior staff physicians, fellows and residents.

Internal Medicine Noon Lecture Series/Afternoon reports: 12-1 p.m. Most weekdays for all residents. Intern-oriented series of lectures directed at acute management issues. Current inpatient cases are discussed, moderated by the Chief Medical Residents and attended by the program director, associate program director or other senior staff physicians. Most weekdays for all residents.

ER Lecture Series: For residents on ER rotations. Every Thursday from 11-4 pm. Attended by Senior ER faculty and residents alike.

CPC: A monthly feature of the IM Noon Lecture Series. Pathology residents devote sessions to autopsy review, with attendance as well.

Morbidity and Mortality: Monthly sessions where outpatient/inpatient cases are reviewed to determine quality improvement and best practice approach to medical problems.

Medical Ethics and Professionalism: Monthly discussion issues related to professional responsibility, conflict of interest and patient/physician management.

Simulation: Our new Center for Simulation Education and Research is a 12,000 square foot facility where our residents hone their procedural skills and participate in exercises designed to enhance their communication skills and professionalism.

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