Henry Ford Macomb Faith Community Nursing Network
The Henry Ford Macomb Faith Community Nursing Network (FCCN) has been in existence since November 1994 and has been a leader in innovative practices related to Faith Community Nursing (FCN) and health ministry. It has been a model for the development of FCNNs in other states across the nation with FCNs in 11 states using our web-based documentation system.
The purpose of Henry Ford Health FCNN is to partner with congregations to develop whole person (spirit, body, mind and relationships) health ministries that enhance health and well-being and relieve suffering among congregational members and our communities. Congregations of all denominations and faiths are welcome.
Through partnership with the FCNN, congregations are led to a successful health ministry by Faith Community Nurse-designed, Internet-based documentation, web communication, policies and procedures and health projects such as classes, grant projects, support groups and fairs. Congregations are provided on-going support to assure excellence in ministry and clarity of community-based goals while achieving measurable health outcomes.
The FCNN provides support through:
- monthly support groups
- a preparation course (40 hours with CE credits) and other continuing education offerings and orientation
- learning resource centers
- health team development support
- individual mentoring by Faith Community Nurse Coordinators
Data from more than 50 congregations over the last five years has shown over 751,900 group contacts for education, screening and support and over 20,600 individual contacts (4,972 clients) for care of episodic and chronic disease conditions. Seventy percent of these contacts are 66 years of age or older. Pastors, Christian Service and Education Directors, and congregants are singing the praises of their Faith Community Nurses and health teams. Lives have been saved, support has been given to the chronically ill and dying, and health promotion through lifestyle changes has become a priority in the majority of our congregations. Many community agencies seek support from and linkage with our FCNN and the congregational teams.
The FCNN was originally funded by a grant from the Sisters of Charity Foundation. It continued with the support of St. Joseph's Healthcare, of Trinity Health and other granting agencies including the State of Michigan. It is now supported by Henry Ford Macomb Hospital. Henry Ford Macomb Hospital, formerly St. Joseph's Healthcare has been serving Macomb County residents since 1899.
For more information on the Faith Community Nursing Network, please contact Madelyn Humbert at (586) 263-2116 or email her at mhumber1@hfhs.org.
To request spiritual support for a hospitalized patient, contact Spiritual Support at (248) 722-6446.
To watch our demo please click here or go to https://fcndocumentation.com
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