David J Goldman, MD, MBA
Specialties: Ophthalmology
Services: Cataracts, Comprehensive Ophthalmology , Eye Care , Sports Medicine Team
Board Certification and Education
- ABO-The American Board of Ophthalmology - Ophthalmology
- Saba University School of Medicine, 2002
- Henry Ford Hospital, Ophthalmology, MI, 2006
- Henry Ford Hospital, Transitional, MI, 2003
About Me
- Vice Chair for Education
- Residency Program Director, Microsurgery and Simulation
- Co-Director, Associate Medical Director for the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology
- Team Physician for the Detroit Lions and the Detroit Pistons
Biographical Summary:
A Southern California native with degrees from UCLA, Saba, and Johns Hopkins, Dr.Goldman has taken up permanent residency in Detroit as a senior staff surgeon and clinician at the Henry Ford Hospital where he serves as the clerkship director, the simulation and microsurgical co-director, and the residency program director for the Department of Ophthalmology. Recently, he was appointed as the deputy medical director for the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology, a 501(c)(3) whose primary fundraiser is the EyesOn Design Car Show held annually on Father’s Day at the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House in Grosse Pointe. The Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology is the world leader in accelerating progress towards advancements in "artificial vision" through its programs such as "The Eye and the Chip," a world congress held in Detroit. Dr.Goldman specializes in comprehensive ophthalmology providing clinical and surgical care. As a team ophthalmologist for both the Detroit Pistons and the Detroit Lions, he has a special interest in visual training and enhancements for optimal vision and performance in sports.
Research Interests
- Artificial Vision Research
- Sports Vision and Training
Videos and Articles
Blog Posts
Hospital Privileges
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital