Olusegun O Osinbowale, MD
Specialties: Family Medicine, Vascular Medicine
Services: Peripheral Vascular Disease, Vascular Medicine , Vein Center
Board Certification and Education
- American Board of Family Medicine - Family Medicine
- American Board of Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine
- American Board of Internal Medicine - Vascular Medicine
- , 2001
- , Internal Medicine, 2007
- Ohio State University Hospital, Family Medicine, OH, 2005
- Ohio State University Hospital, General Surgery, OH, 2002
- , Vascular Medicine, 2008
About Me
Biographical Statement:
Dr. Osinbowale specializes in Vascular Medicine, with additional certifications in Vascular Ultrasound, Internal Medicine and Family Medicine. His areas of interests include clotting disorders, peripheral arterial and venous diseases as well as vascular imaging.
Care Philosophy:
As a vascular medicine specialist, I provide non-invasive to minimally invasive care to patients with various types of peripheral vascular disease, which primarily involves disruption to blood vessels outside of the brain and heart. I believe in tailoring care to individual patients using evidence based guidelines, and enjoy educating my patients on modifiable risk factors that may impact their vascular health.
Videos and Articles
Blog Posts
Hospital Privileges
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital
- Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital