Ramsey Shehab, MD
Specialties: Sports Medicine, Family Medicine
Services: Sports Medicine Primary Care, Video Visits
Board Certification and Education
- American Board of Family Medicine - Family Medicine
- American Board of Family Medicine - Sports Medicine
- University of Toledo, OH, 2002
- , Family Medicine, 2005
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Sports Medicine, NC, 2006
About Me
Biographical Statement
Dr. Shehab serves as deputy chief of sports medicine and as the associate program director for the primary care sports medicine fellowship. He is also the lead medical physician for the Detroit Pistons and Oakland University.
As a former collegiate athlete and current CrossFit enthusiast, Dr. Shehab understands the importance of optimizing fitness and minimizing injury. His training in sports medicine has allowed him to better understand overuse patterns and acute injuries in athletics, so that he can return his patients to their activities quickly and safely, with a better understanding of their pain.
Care Philosophy
"I believe physical activity is essential to long term health and overall wellness. My goal is to help my patients continue to be active and do what they love."
Videos and Articles
Blog Posts
Hospital Privileges
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital