Behavioral Health


Inpatient psychiatric care: Henry Ford Allegiance Hospital (Jackson), Henry Ford Kingswood Hospital (Ferndale), Henry Ford Macomb Hospital (Mt. Clemens), Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital
Residential addiction treatment: Henry Ford Maplegrove Center (West Bloomfield), Henry Ford Allegiance Addiction Recovery Center (Jackson).
Outpatient care: Clinton Township, Dearborn, Detroit, Grosse Pointe, Jackson, Novi, Troy, West Bloomfield.
(800) 422-1183 (Southeast Michigan) or (800) 531-3728 (Jackson County area)   

Skill Building: What to Do When Addiction Touches Your Family
Location: Henry Ford Maplegrove Center (currently held online)
(248) 788-3005 

This educational program is intended for adults who have a family member with addiction. The program includes six rotating sessions covering various topics related to the disease of addiction, taking place on Thursdays from 6-7:30 pm. A new topic will be covered each week, Thursdays from 6 – 7:30 p.m. Each of these interactive sessions is led by an addiction specialist and includes time for questions. You can join this free group any time. 

SHARE: Friends and Family Addiction Support Group
Location: Henry Ford Maplegrove Center (currently held online)
(248) 788-3005 

In the SHARE support group, adult family members and friends of people with addiction can share their feelings in a supportive setting. Participants also can interact with other people whose families are dealing with the challenges of addiction. SHARE is open to adults 18 and older. This free program is ongoing, taking place on Thursdays from 7:30 – 9:00 pm, and attendees may join the group at any time. 

Downriver Substance Abuse Support Group
Location: Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital 
(734) 246-9431

Weekly support group meetings are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm, and are open to those in recovery, family and friends. Please note, this is not a 12-step program.

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